Sunday, December 30, 2012

The value of books

Nearing the end of 2012, I realise that I have read the same number of books this year as last year. My post on my reading year 2011 notes that I read 57 or maybe 59 books. This year I have noted each title in the side bar and have reached 58 to date with one more at my bedside currently bookmarked. Coincidentally, I have also recommended a similar number of titles during this year.

Two recently enjoyed titles have been intimately concerned with books and reading. The End of your life bookclub by Will Schwabe describes the last years of his mother's life and discusses the books they read together. I had read several of the titles mentioned and discussed them in my book groups but it was interesting to revisit them in a different context. Will and Mary know these are the last books that they will read together and so their reflections often touch upon illness, loss, death and grief, but their conversations also explore memory, relationships, social structures and world events. They talk often about kindness and gratitude and express their own personal values - and this is what makes the book such worthwhile reading. As an added extra, the 6 page appendix of titles read would make a good starting list for any book group.

The Little Bookstore of Big Stone Gap by Wendy Welch is also about the importance of good books but this time from a business as well as a personal perspective. The author founded a second-hand bookstore and discovered friendship and community. A good addition to my list of books about books.

Look out for my new list of books read in 2013. Happy new year and happy reading.