Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Room without a view

In Room Emma Donaghue has created a novel of paradox. Room is 12 foot square and contains everything Jack needs; his whole life, 5 years, has been spent in Room and we learn how Ma has loved and nurtured him during that time. Ma is captive but has made Room a safe place for her son. The story is told by Jack with naivity and precocity. We read the words to understand how Ma and Jack cope and we read between the lines to understand the horror and deprivation. Yet when they are Outside they are still not safe and we learn more about our world through the newly opened eyes of Jack.
This novel is both terrifying and charming but decidedly uplifting. It is about the power of maternal love and the importance of storytelling. Rightly discovered and entered for the prestigious Booker prize, this amazing read could well become the book of the year.

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