Sunday, October 3, 2010

Notwithstanding the English

Louis de Bernieres, the first speaker at the Beverley Literature Festival, discussed his latest book Notwithstanding: stories from an English village and answered questions from the audience about Englishness. His previous books have all been set in more exotic places but he has realised that there is a lot of material much closer to home. In a series of linked short stories, he introduces a cast of unusual characters and gently hints at how English village life is gradually changing.

The Beverley Festival programme covers fiction, biography, poetry and politics with local authors and stages events over ten days. A Children's Literature Festival is also happening at the same time - wonder if they need another volunteer?


  1. This sounds like such a great festival, I'm envious (even of the volunteering!).

    Two of the authors I've read & would be keen to hear more on, as I've enjoyed them very much: Jackie Kay & Michèle Roberts.

    (And more about the others!)

  2. I know, Alison. I have my tickets for both those events already. Watch this space!
