Saturday, March 5, 2011

Navigating memories

Another example of how memoir is becoming the preferred genre to autobiography. When approached to write her autobiography Joy Cowley was reluctant but by putting together her memoirs, she has created in Navigation a set of stories on the main themes of her life that combine description, analysis and insight. A writer for children, teenagers and adults, Joy Cowley has produced hundreds of readers for schools and is a founding member of Storylines, the Children's Literature foundation of New Zealand. Her literary life is extremely interesting and it is fascinating and enlightening to read about the background to Mrs Wishy-Washy and The Silent One to name just a couple of outstanding examples of her story making.

I like the title as it suggests navigating through life to reach a destination but I found myself wanting to know more; how did she manage to write Nest in a falling tree while raising four children and helping to run the family farm? Joy Cowley is an amazing woman - what is it that shapes such creativity and output?

I'm drawn to literary biography for answers to such questions but it seems that currently I will only find such information from authors themselves through their selective memoirs.

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